If he is not taking a “sho’t Left” to explore the rolling hills of the Eastern Cape, Mavuso Shabalala could be found at the theatre watching the latest play. But the new SAIGA council member is not all about play and not work.

“Have you seen the latest play at the Joburg theatre?” Shabalala asks cheerfully.

“It’s Kunene and the King, performed by John Kani and Michael Richard. It’s riveting, you must go watch it.”

Shabalala, though, is quite adept at striking a balance between work and personal life, as he is with his daily work as an independent consultant at Eaglet Advisory and Consulting. After all, he has worked across 17 countries on the continent.

“I love travelling and exploring, like learning about my country and the continent,” says Shabalala.

His face lights up when he talks about the plans for his role as a council member.

“I want to contribute to the growth of SAIGA so that it can continue to play a significant role in ensuring accountability in government through public sector auditors, the RGAs, and build capacity within the public sector,” the 53-year-old says.

“I also want to help grow the PSAAA into a force to be reckoned with. There is a lot the Institute can offer to society.”

Shabalala, a father of two, holds an MBL degree and Global Remuneration Professional and has over 20 years of operational and strategic level experience as a Human Resource professional, which he obtained mainly in the financial services as an HR consultant.


Issued  by the Southern African Institute of Government Auditors.

For further information, please contact:

Kgomotso Sethusha
0833810526 / 012 004 0741

About the Southern African Institute of Government Auditors

The Southern African Institute of Government Auditors is a non-profit professional body that serve the public interest. Since its inception in 1988, the role and functions of SAIGA has been to serve the public sector and society by advancing public accountability and auditing in its widest sense. As a professional body, SAIGA  represents a unique brand of professionals, the Registered Government Auditors (RGA) in the public sector  and in academia. The RGA is considered the highest professional designation within the public sector auditing.  Visit: www.saiga.co.za for more information.