More good new as PSAAA celebrates Anniversary

As the taxing but productive year draws to a close, PSAAA have more reasons than one to celebrate.

Not only are they toasting a second anniversary, but they are also celebrating the fact that they have reached their targets for the Modified Cash Standard (MCS) and General Recognised Accounting Practice (GRAP) training courses.

“We have managed to reach a total number of 1131 learners that we’ve trained, coming from walks of life, including municipalities, public entities, AGSA, unemployed citizens, students, people from the private and the SOEs throughout the year,” said PSAAA Operations and Training Officer, Portia Morai.

“As PSAAA turns two this year, we see the impact that the academy has made and its achievements. As PSAAA, in collaboration with SAIGA and the Finance and Accounting Services Sector Education and Training Authority (FASSET), we are grateful for the funding opportunities and we’re also doing well to be recognised.

“We look forward to partnership and collaboration and accreditation in 2023 and to delivering quality training to the public sector to ensure capacity building.”

PSAAA team have already wrapped up their MCS and GRAP training courses for the year, having conducted their last session with Tshwane University of Technology, Nelspruit campus last month.

The courses are offered to third-year and post-graduate students for free.

“The university appreciated the opportunity offered by PSAAA and SAIGA and were happy with the programme and they look forward to future funded training opportunities that they can benefit from,” said Morai.

“The good news for PSAAA is that SAIGA has been afforded a government training opportunity.”

SAIGA CEO added: “As the institute’s academy celebrates two years, we reflect on this key strategic decision for SAIGA to remain relevant and contribute to the development and certification of finance and auditing professionals.

“The academy has been accredited by the QCTO within its two years of operation. This is a huge achievement as accreditation means the provision of quality training.

“The next 2 years will see the academy leveraging on opportunities in the market while building towards its vision of becoming a one-stop academy for finance and auditing training.”

Issued  by the Southern African Institute of Government Auditors.

For further information, please contact:

Kgomotso Sethusha
0833810526 / 012 004 0741

About the Southern African Institute of Government Auditors

The Southern African Institute of Government Auditors is a non-profit professional body that serve the public interest. Since its inception in 1988, the role and functions of SAIGA has been to serve the public sector and society by advancing public accountability and auditing in its widest sense. As a professional body, SAIGA  represents a unique brand of professionals, the Registered Government Auditors (RGA) in the public sector  and in academia. The RGA is considered the highest professional designation within the public sector auditing.  Visit: for more information.